Hello world!

In Website & Programming by Steve Sliwa

Many of you are aware that the theoretical first program one writes in a new language is one that  prints out the message “Hello World!”  It takes a lot to be able to accomplish just this task.  It’s sort of like being born.  Well the 3rd generation Sliwa.com website is being borne.

Actually I started programming again for the first time when I built the website for the Ximango Owners group  XOPA (www.xopx.org) at link.  I combine many tools together over several months to get it to a nice spot.  Now I am working on Sliwa.com and my booksite (www.sliwainsights.com) at link.  I am using many of the same tools but am restarting with a fresh start.

There is still lots to do, but I am getting closer.  Hope to recruit Nancy and other family members to help load content soon.

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